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Ensure Uniformity


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Calypso 6.8. I was copying/pasting strategies inside a feature when a window popped up that said "Ensure Uniformity Yes/No" Not knowing what that meant I selected No and thought I would go back and do some experimenting with it when I was done with that feature to find out what it does. My first thought was that it had something to do with using multiple clearance planes in a feature. However I haven't been able to get it to pop up again. Has anyone else run into this?
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I have. It happens to me sometimes when I use the paintbrush to copy a strategy from feature to feature. It has to do with your features having either different clearance planes or probes used. I usually select 'no' and check everything myself. If you select yes, then calypso will automatically try to force the measurement strategies to match but it often does unexpected things like throwing in weird clearance planes.
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