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Accura stopping and shutting down drives for no reason.


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Recently we have had the machine usually in the same or a similar area on the table just kill. The error says 4 travel command rejected, motor output stage not ready, CMM drives off. I was wondering if anyone else had a similar problem and if so how did you fix it. The machine runs great except for in that spot. Any ideas? I have attached a photo of the error.


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Is difficult to reach a solution with those informations.

The machine stop in that position in auto mode or manual mode also? Wich speed do you use to run program? The stop happen when machine move just in one axis direction or more?
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It sounds like you have a piece of dirt/debri on one of the glass scales of the CMM causing it to stop when it hits that place in its position. This is common in less than idea environments.

VERY CAREFULLY Clean the glass scale(s) using a lint-free clothe with very little pressure, use linear swipes (not back and forth) using (80% minimum) Isopropyl alcohol. The scales are often embedded in (held on with) a substance that can not withstand a lot of pressure without moving them SO, AGAIN, use VERY LIGHT pressure when cleaning.
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I agree with Owen, sometimes the scales can drift off location as well. The ACCURA II Y-axis scale is applied to the underside of the granite using oil. This can easily get bumped and moved off the hard stops on this machine.
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Once I had an issue with my Accura stopping during X axis moves at high acceleration. It ran fine if the positioning speed was at a slower setting. Just needed a tech to adjust the electronics. Are you still under warranty?
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