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Removing '^Temperature Compensation' line


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Just wondering - does anyone know how to remove this line from a piWeb report (using Calypso 2017) when using temperature compensation?

It seems to show up automatically by default whenever temperature compensation is active.

It is showing up automatically and usually I like that, but for this particular customer they want the report to include the temperature and the CTE used - as well as putting a hard limit on the acceptable variance in temperature. I was able to accomplish this with a result element and its associated comment so that it looks just how I want.

The problem is now the 'default' ^Temperature Compensation result is redundant and looks completely out of place.
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You have to do in and delete it from the report header.

See the attachment. It shows up in the database as 2098 with that funky chain icon as it is a linked attribute.

When you find it, and click on it in the left pane, it will go to it in the header as shown in the pic. Then just delete it.

I don't use the Temp Comp but I added it to see how one could remove from the report.

Save it out, and run the part. Should have killed it off.. Did on my test report anyway
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I gave this a shot but unfortunately for me it didn't work as expected.

It removed the text / label for the line but the rest of the line still appeared.
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At this point I have done a number of things that make this line disappear in piWeb - but when I run the actual program it still ends up showing up in the report.

I created a regular expression which I was under the impression should filter out anything that did not match from being part of the data at all.

In piWeb editor, it shows the line go away just as I would like, however when I run the report it shows up anyhow.

I have at least one other method I tried that makes it go away in the piWeb editor and then show up in the report anyhow.

I could make the line disappear by putting conditions in the default line - btu a blank line still looks terrible.

I currently am looking into editing it so when it is the ^Temp line I can make all of the data for that line be modified to what my result element gives as a result.

So much pain for such a simple thing.
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Interesting. My mocked up page worked.

Im sure you did but did u save after you made the deletion? I always save then hit F5 for an update..

I say that because I have forgotten to save after a header change and it drove me wild lol....

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How about a box with white fill and lines, or no lines?

There are 2 fields for this. The heading and the actual result. What is showing up? The whole thing or one of the 2 fields?
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Yeah I made sure it was saved.

It did work to an extent, it removed the Text that says ^Temperature Compensation but the rest of the line with the actual temperature result still showed up.

I don't know if it might explain it not working but I am on Calypso 2017 (6.4).


I could make it blank out the results, but it looks kind of ugly that way.

I am attempting to modify the results using code so it modifies the existing line similar to the method used to modify the results on the additional result for true position.
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Well, I did not manage to remove the line, but I managed something that at least works.

I am not a great fan of this method since it requires different templates for different materials, however I figured I would include it- maybe it can help someone else.

In the text section of the properties for the comment in the 'default' row template I used code to create a comment for the Temperature Compensation line. If it is not the temperature compensation line, it defaults to the normal behavior and shows the comment provided by Calypso.

The code I used is below. One thing to note, using \ seemed to break this - that is why the word per is inserted in the temperature compensation values. These numbers are based on the values we use for this material and would need to be updated for different materials as necessary.

${if Equal(String.Left(Qdb.Characteristic(2002),5),"^Temp") then "Temperature Compensation of 6µin per in per °F (10.8 µm per m per °C) applied for CRES 15 5PH Per AMS 5669 at Condition H1025" else Qdb.Property("FeatureComment")}
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  • 4 weeks later...
I am using Calypso 2017 and this option does not appear to be there, so it must have been added since.

Good to see this functionality has been added.
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