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Strategy not visible on CAD model


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Hi all,

I recently installed Calypso 2018 (a few weeks ago) & have now noticed on programs that were created prior to Calypso 2017 that my measurement strategies aren’t displaying when I attempt to edit them. Points are displaying correctly but circle paths are not, even if I create a new feature??

Obviously this makes editing impossible as I can’t see what the hell i’m doing.

Creating a new measurement plan & plans created in Calypso 2017 seems to be working normally.

I’ve tried selecting “display strategies when selecting features” but that is yielding zero joy.

Anyone else having this issue or know of a solution.

I’m running Calypso 2018 v6.6.1606 I believe(not at system atm)

Thanks & thanks for everything you guys share, your knowledge has proved invaluable to me 😃

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I am sure you have tried this, but open the feature you can't see the strategy with, right mouse click on the cad window and choose "Show Nominal Points".
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Thanks for the response, David.

I actually didn’t even give that a thought.

I will give that a shot when I get to work tomorrow.

Still not sure what is going on though??

Thanks again.

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Thanks, David!

The strategies show up when turning "show nominal points" on.

Still weird how it has now defaulted to off only on programs created before Calypso 2017 (6.4), when creating a new program they are on by default.

Is there a global setting for this somewhere I can't find?

Thanks again.
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You can set a default in the CAD settings. Unfortunately I don't know the English names of the menu items. It's somewhere under Strategy or Technology - something like "show strategy when feature is selected".
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Hi Norbert, thank you for the response.

I am aware of this setting & it has been on the whole time, which is what makes this issue even more strange

Thanks again 🙂
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If I had to write down a list of things that once worked in Calypso, but were messed up again in a later version, I could fill a library. Maybe that's one of those.

Yesterday: Assigning an autofocus to a feature on an O-Inspect. Was partly broken right from the start, then fixed in a later version. I was naive enough to rely on that and changed many programs accordingly. Now, in the latest 2018 SP it's broken again. Yes, this has nothing to do with your question, but I'm growing sick of things like that..... 🙄
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