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Characteristic Values Changing After Run


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Hello all,

I have an interesting problem show up this week. After I run a measurement plan, I see my results. I have a couple characteristics showing red, I click on it and see how far out it is. The value it shows is out of tolerance. When I click into the next item, the one that was red goes green. If I open it again I now have a value that is in tolerance. I have had this happen both ways, good numbers going bad and bad numbers going good. It's always the same few characteristics, however it's happening in two different programs. Has anyone ever seen this before and is there a solution? I'm still running Calypso 2015, but I have never had any issues with it since installing it years ago.

Mike Dove
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Are you using any formulas, parameters, loops etc. in these programs? There might be some kind of iterative calculation going on that is updated each time you open and close the charcteristic. Do the values change only once or each time you open the characteristic? If you increase the number of decimal places you'll see even very small changes.
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The value only changes once, then they stay the same until the next run. It's not on anything with extra formulas added. The characteristics that keep doing it are all regular cartesian distance and a diameter, and it's always the same few. I'm using metric measurements at three decimal places. The numbers that change are not slight changes, I'm seeing as much as 0.05 difference.
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Go to Extras/Settings/Measurement/Nominals and in the center of this field is your big, system default setting for Nominal Mode. Make sure you have this set to Input in Characteristic. You can override the system default at the program level by going to Resources/Character Settings Editor/Nominal Mode.
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Checked all those settings. It is set to Input in Characteristic in the system defaults as well as at the program level.
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Okay, that's good to know. What kinds of features and characteristics are these? One thing you could try is to create a new part program with just those features and characteristics. Would that show similar behavior or would it behave as one would expect?
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I have no masked features in the program. All the items that change values are regular cartesian distance. There is a loop in the alignment with this as the break condition differenceSystem().valueA<0.01

I had three do it this morning, after the run all characteristics were green, printout showed the same. After clicking on each characteristic three went red and one went yellow. I'll have to compare all the items that stayed green vs the printout to see if any of those are changing values as well.
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I have done some additional checks on this. It looks like the original numbers and printout are the correct numbers. The numbers that end up changing are incorrect values. I have checked the part by other means and I'm able to match the original values that were output after the run.

The program has 30 characteristics, 10 change after opening and closing the characteristic. The change in value varies, some are very small some are as much as 0.03 mm. All the values that change do have a feature in common, a plane that is also part of the main alignment.
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