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Planar Multiple Datum


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Hi all,
I've searched and looked at the other threads on this topic but I'm still not quite there. I have 2 planes, A-B, that are parallel and offset from each other as co-datums.

I tried offset plane. 3 points, edited the offsets to match the basic distance between, and then recalled feature points into one plane. The resulting A-B plane was created but the results don't make sense to me. The form is horrible and the Z location doesn't seem correct. 1281_0b34ea24b1ec6b84fc8dcb3bfbc49b49.jpg

What's the best way to go about doing this?

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Every time that I am working with an Offset Plane as such, I'm using it as my Spatial Rotation, so you don't see these errors.

What is your Base Alignment made up of?
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Plane -A- is my spatial and Z location. I'm using 2 dowel holes as -B- and -C-. -B- is X&Y location, C is rotation, and using Special rotating by distances to align to the print.
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Instead of Offset Plane, use Plane with Offset. Then combine the un-offsetted plane with the offsetted plane for the combined Datum Plane.
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That's the first thing I tried. You can't recall feature points from a theoretical feature. If I use just recall I get a plane with nominals that are all zeros and no actuals.
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I think your first approach was correct, but I'd swap it out for your Spatial Rotation & Z Origin.

There is no way that the two are perfectly co-planar, so that is why you are seeing error.

I see this a lot with parts that have Datum Target points at various Z heights.
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