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Recall Feature Points - resulting feature offset


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I am having a problem with using Recall Feature Points. When I recall several features (eg planes) into one larger feature, the nominals are pretty much always offset. See the attached picture:
Has anyone ever seen this before? It happens with drawing from different customers, and doesn't seem to change behavior if I use automatic healing or not, or what settings I do use.

I also sometimes see polyline points, surface points etc, offset from the cad surfaces. Again, this happens regardless of healing settings.

I have updated drivers, done clean driver installs, and I am running 6.6.1601 on an HP Z4 provided by Zeiss.
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Oh wow, that is a bizarre behavior. That might be my problem. I didn't realize that you had to uncheck the box before you selected the features to recall. I guess that is why the checkbox didn't seem to do much...

But if I uncheck the box before I select any features, I end up with no nominal values. Straight Zeros all the way down. Any way around that?

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I don't think so. It doesn't seem to be off by any round number at all. The part I am working on now it is off by 0.9398mm/0.037", sometimes it is less than that. I tried changing probes, and crating new features with that probe, and no change I don't see any change in the offset.
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The method I suggest is to do it before you have actual data in the features that you are recalling. It should require you to have a strategy defined.

It should then be correct, or pretty close.
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If this plane becomes a Datum feature, then the size of the plane is somewhat irrelevant because the size of the plane is infinite. However, if you're evaluating this plane to a datum, i.e. perpendicularity, then it should be defined to its' nominal size.
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