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Curve without Curve Option for now...


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Hi everyone, I'm starting at a new company that doesn't have curve or free form. I'm trying to convince them to get it because it's needed for what we do. I remember from the old forum someone explained after sectioning convert the curve to facepoint or touchpoint... something... Please help. So I can probe many points and convince my company that it work so they can buy the curve option. Thank you so much.
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What you speak of is an old work-around and I’m not even sure it would work then, let alone now.
Like any company who invests a lot of time and money developing a product, I believe Zeiss has made some of these work-arounds unachievable in newer versions to protect their return on their investment.

Even if it does work, you’d still be losing a lot of the “curve” greatness, like its best fit, alignment and plot capabilities.

I’m not sure they would but, you might see if they’d let you download a trial version of Curve?

All said, here is the work-around as I copied it several years ago.

Section the part under creating features and then go to point set. The feature pull down is usually defaulted to freeform surface here, however select space point, then under general path select from curves. Then select the section you want and hit create and play with the grid length until you get the desired amount of points you want. When satisfied click create feature and this will make a space point group. Be sure and change the evaluation to space point from cad surface.
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I don't think that will work unless you have Free-Form. I can remember just trying that for a customer who didn't have Curve, but needed Curve. It will let you extract the points, but I couldn't run them. I thought that it was rather strange. Maybe if you take it out of the group it will work. I didn't try much after I extracted the points.

Solution - purchase Curve - you won't regret it. Hands down the best tool in Calypso.
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If you extract the Space Point Group from the Curve, you will need to convert the Points over to something other than CAD Face Point.

Be prepared for projection errors though.

Like I said, I would purchase Curve - it comes bundled with FreeForm now as well.
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In CAD, Creating Features, you can select Point Set tab and select Space Points under feature. Then, under generate path, from Curve will show only the models edges, which you can select or you can create a curve in the Section tab, then select it. After you create the Point set, you'll need to convert them from CAD Face Points to Space Points.
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Use Points Cloud tool, it works better than Freeform from my point of view (much faster at least), however cannot replaces curve Tools:

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