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getProbe TIME


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Can anyone help me with the variable of getProbe("X","ZZ"). ???? the qualification time.

In my mind I have seen this done before. But I cannot remember or find it anywhere.
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Thanks Eric... But not exactly what I was looking for.

I need the probe qualification DateandTime.

I have this list of getProbe and I'm sure I have seen the getProbe time somewhere.

.anglePosA1 Angle
.anglePosA2 Angle
.calibMode Mode of the calibration
.calibration Calibrated yes / no
.confName Name of the configuration
.diameter Diameter
.radius Radius
.probeDate Date of the last calibration
.probe Force Force of the calibration
.probeTemp Temperature
.shaftDirection Shaftdirection
.shaftLen Shaftlength
.shaftRadius Shaftradius
.stdProbeDev Deviation of the calibration
.probeVector.x Probe coordinate in X
.probeVector.y Probe coordinate in Y
.probeVector.z Probe coordinate in Z
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Oh time, doh!

Well I don't think you've seen that, since it can't be grabbed thru getProbe(). But you can probably read it from SDO.
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