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Stylus Change taration Error


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I have created two new stylus for my Vast XT Gold head. All tips and probes have been qualified tensor but when the program changes holders in an auto stylus change I get an error when it does the taration of the stylus. the error is (Cross Upper limiting taration). in the status window it says (66 Limit value violation during taration). So what causes this. The Adapter plate? the probe head? or the software?
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No value in this area of my Vast Gold CMM either so, I have no idea regarding that issue.

However, make sure the probe system doesn't exceed the maximum weight of 800 grams allowed.
Make sure stylus plate is clean and the stylus rack is located good.

Seems like I remember having an unbalanced probe causing this type of issue to, say one probe sticking out 500mm horizontally and nothing of the same or close to length to help balance the probe on the other side.
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Owen, that makes some sense. It does not exceed the max allowed in either weight or length. However it is only 2 stylus in the Y+,and Y- direction nothing for the X+orX-. on the probe. So maybe that is causing an unbalance issue. the two Y direction styli are the same length and Dia.
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Richard yes it is balanced. I don't get this error with all my probes just two new ones that were sent to be used for this specific program.
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Are the adapter plates new or just new to you?
Are the adapter plates made by Zeiss?
Maybe not feasible if you don't have a spare or if all other probes are dedicated and used frequently but, to eliminate the adapter plate from being the problem, rebuild the system with an adapter plate you know doesn't cause this issue.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Nathan, what turned out to be the problem? I started having the same thing happen late yesterday afternoon. Resetting the master probe length didn't help, and it doesn't matter what probe system I use. I'm unable to change systems without having problems.
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FWIW - Talked to Zeiss. This error has to do with the internal workings of the head when it tries to balance out each stylus system. If it were happening to just one or two systems, a Zeiss technician may be able to make internal adjustments to the head (basically a tune-up) to remedy the problem. However in my case where the error pops up on every system, the head is probably worn out or damaged meaning a replacement is needed. Not what I wanted to hear.
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Yeah - that's a most likely case. I've also seen it from a bad controller board. I think that it was caused by bad electrical supply though.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Yes the head was bad. As that was the problem. Put a new head on the machine and the problem was solved.
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