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RDS-CAA multi-stylus


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I have a stylus system that consists of a 3mm x 50mm in the -Z position and a 3mm x 33mm in the -X position mounted on a star adapter plate.

I know how to qualify a single CAA stylus but have heard there are issues with the lateral position. I understand how to adjust the positions on the 2nd stylus but does anyone have any history they would like to share regarding a similar
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Good question Tom. I've been sort of wondering about this also. We had an "advisor" tell us we should be using an "L" probe in our RDS-CAA so we won't have to turn our head so much. WE were very skeptical about how turning an L probe in an RDS-CAA head would work so we haven't tried it. I can see a star probe with 2,3,4 and/or 5 positions but not using an L and turning it. Looking forward to reading some of the replies on this one.
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I was actually able to create it and qualify both probes though some of the angle choices for stylus 2 seemed to be too close in location to be the most accurate, i.e. A30/B30, A60/B60 and A45/B45. However, I was able to add additional indexes to access a wider array of points, and was able to "disable" some of the less desirable ones. I was able to do a Full Qualification on the new configuration.

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As far as a single horizontal stylus or "L" probe. I do agree an "L" or "upside-down L", even in a non-CAA config, could be more versatile than a full star probe especially if you need to get into tighter internal areas.
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I agree, Using an L and turning it to the 2,3,4,5 positions and qualifying it in those positions but he wanted us to create an L and do a full qualify as a 1 position and then turn it in any direction as an RDS head. Is that even possible?
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I assume by '"full qualify as a 1 position" that you mean a CAA stylus system with a horizontal stylus only, then I believe that is not possible. I would love to be wrong.
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