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Fluctuating sigma values upon probe qualifications after latest service pack update.


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Good morning.
I installed the latest Service pack update the other day and have been experiencing some odd behaviour since.

One the update completed I decided it would be prudent to requalify all of my stylii, but I got this instead:

"result of the qualification is insufficient"
(I found zero results in the forum when searching for this error)

So I check to make sure nothing is loose, put everything under a jeweler's loupe looking for cracked ruby or a bad seat on the plate. Checked the masterball and ensure its secured..But everything looks good. I am also the only person in the building who has access to this machine, so there's no chance of someone else having crashed it or something equally mundane.

After the third failed attempt, it qualified but my sigma value was .0036 from the .0010-.0011 it had been prior.
Requalify, .0010, requalify again .0028. well you get the gist..
I can't seem to get the needle to rest anywhere.

Logic states that's something loose, but the fact that I have been using this machine without sigma issues until immediately after this update hints to there at least potentially being something software based occuring.

Any recommendations on how to troubleshoot and isolate the source of this fluctuation?
Maybe delete all my probe profiles, and rebuild?

I can't work now, so I'm open to any ideas..

I would like to have as much data on hand as possible to provide to support returns my call.

As always thanks all!
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