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Connection/interface error


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We are calling service, but I thought I would try to see if anyone have seen the following messages before:

When starting machine, I get a connection error. Once I can connect, I get "interface error 10054", or System error: "Unhandled exception: Subscript out of bounds"

Shut down machine and computer several times, replaced Ethernet cable, a couple of times it did not connect, when it did and was able to home it, once I started calibrating it just missed the ball after the first few point and machine stopped.

Any help/ideas would be greatly appreciated.
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1st check the connection
Open "command" window by "cmd"
ping cmm_1
request should be the ip adress
setting by \c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
=> no correct answer, workstation or controller inferface down => call IT or CZ IMT Service

2nd Probe head not identified
During the start of controller the firmware asked the cmm which probe head is mounted. If there is no answer CALYPSO dosn't
know which configuration to start => exeption => call CZ IMT Service

3rd Check cable
should be done first, but you have to go behind/under the workstation/controller

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It appears it was caused by a fan that wasn't working and the controller overheating.
We changed the fan and it seems to be working for now.
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Nice to hear it's working. Probably you've also changed fan filters, those are sometimes forgotten and can lead to overheating as well. And overheating can lead to dropping probes I've heard. That could be expensive.
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