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How to set part in Planner/Simulation


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Simulation is not positioned correctly.
see photo.

Is there a tutorial for Planner/Simulation ?
Need some good direction on using Planner/Simulation.

❓ ❓ πŸ™„

stab part.png

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Your model will be imported with its coordinate system in the CMM's coordinate system.

So in your case the model was drawn with X Y Z zero as its origin.

On the machine X Y Z zero is at the home position, so that is where your model shows up when imported.

You have two alternatives for putting it where you want on the machine.

You can either move the model to a different position in your modelling software prior to importing, or you can move the model after you have imported it into Calypso.

I move the model once it is in Calypso.

Before moving the model always save your program. This way if in the course of moving the model you hopelessly break something you can try again. (And no of course I never broke a program before realizing this.. 🀣 )

To do this, from the menu choose Planner->Stylus System Simulation.

Once there, hit the button on the far right bottom that looks like it has an arrow and 2 different color cubes on it (one is gray one is white)

That box opens the modify cad entities screen.

On this screen go to the heirarchy tab and select your model so everything you want to move is highlighted.

Once everything is highlighted you can go to the positioning tab and use the translation options to move the model, just put in the distance you want to move the part in each axis and hit apply.

Make sure 'drag base alignment' is checked when moving the model.

Once you have run simulation and verified everything worked correctly, save the program.

That should be it.. now the model and program will show in the new location
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thanks for your help.

now I have part on plate but can not seem to get probe to touch correctly unless i move part without drag base alignment checked.

Is the probe in correct location ?

Any idea ?

stab part2.png

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On the menu under Cad-> Settings -> Strategy page, you can check "Display strategy when selecting features" and then calypso will show the strategy for any features you select.

If you have this option on and look at your features, what you want to see is that the strategy is 'on' the feature.

If the features and the strategies do not line up, its probably due to your paths for your base alignment features being in the wrong place in relation to the model.

Usually when I do this, I import the part and then move it prior to making any features so I don't end up with issues. You should be able to use this after creating features and defining a base alignment, however I have had times where I have had issues before when the base alignment was already created. Its hard to be sure whats going on without being there watching it and able to look at all parts of the program.
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