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Iterative Alignment - Rotary


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I notice when I have a base alignment that uses the rotary table, it does not physically update the rotary position each time through the alignment when the alignment is looped.

What I would like to do is to create an iterative alignment that updates the rotary position after each iteration of the alignment based on the error between the nominal and the actual measured planar rotation in the alignment.

I currently take two points 180 degrees apart with known locations, if the rotation is correct, the Z height will be a known value when the point is measured at Y zero and I can use this to align the part rotationally.

Unfortunately the default behavior of the base alignment does not adjust the rotation except for once at the end of the base alignment. I can and have added in a pre-alignment of the rotary using a second series of points but this simply adds a second iteration for adjusting the rotary.

The documentation says rtPositionOffset will move the rotary and getRTOffset will give the current rotary table offset. Does anyone have an example of using them to do something like what I am suggesting?
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Hi Derek,
See attached.

It's been many moon's since I've used this iterative RT loop concept and it's not worded for how you might use it regarding it being used with a curve but, I'd think it could be used with any feature.

Sorry, as usual, in a hurry to try and help so, not sure this will but may get you going in the right direction. 🙄

3D Curve LOOP and RT.pdf

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Thanks for the input, although it is not exactly what I am doing, it defintely gave me an idea on how to proceed.

I hadn't thought of looping the feature itself, but I think I can do that and recalculate a new rotary position each time through the loop.

If so, I think I can use this method and simply modify the rotary position each time until I am at the correct rotation, then hopefully I can set that as a variable that contains the new rotary position and use that variable for the rotary position for the subsequent features.
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