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SW, STEP to IGES Conversion introducing phanton geometry


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Good morning!
My company did not opt for the STEP module (yet), but I can see why it might be worth the extra investment.
When I convert a manufacturing STEP file to IGES for import into Calypso It is introducing some strange geometry.

For example a slotted arc radius.

This is how an arc radii should look

But it ends up in multiple segments like this after conversion, (you can see the sub-radii segment on the right side)
or this (split down the middle with 2 different radii dims)
which results in this in planning.
At the end of the slot there should be a "single" radii. But after conversion it breaks that up into segments, and not evenly distributed.
It looks like 2 or more radii of differing sizes, which throws off tool path planning because it interprets all those segments as separate entities instead of a single radii.

Has anyone else experienced this?
Do you do anything special, or select any special option when you convert your files?

I'm hoping we can get the STEP module, but in the interim my IGES files simply are troublesome at best.
Thanks all!
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IGES is very old and a very dirty file format which is polygon based. Try converting to an ACIS file (.sat), which is the modeling kernel that Calypso uses.
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IGES is old, and really shouldn't be used anymore.

You can try to heal the model, and see if that gets rid of the issues you are seeing.

I agree on just exporting in a native ACIS format if possible.
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Have to agree with the previous responses IGES is a very poor file format and often will misrepresent the actual geometry or be otherwise corrupted.

Saving as a .sat file is probably the best bet, you should be able to save to .sat right out of Solidworks. If your using an older version of Calypso than Solidworks, you might need to adjust your options to use an older version of the .sat format in order to load the file in Calypso.
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Split cylinder geometries are a common thing with certain file formats. Sometimes it has to do with the way the designer built the model, sometimes it happens during conversion. You should be able to get rid of that by selecting CAD / Modify / unite features with same geometry (menu names not accurate - I'm translating freely from my German version).
The segmented look af radii is also quite common (for me at least), but it's normally only a visual problem. As long as the extracted nominal geometry is correct it doesn't matter.

For our NX models I always select the menu item above and "Delete free lines and points". I never use (and need) healing as it kills all assembly structures.
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