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Multiple setups in one program


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I am working on a part that will require 2 different orientations on the CMM to capture everything that I want to probe. To this point I've only ever made 1 setup/base alignment programs but would like to learn a method to do multiple under 1 program file if possible.

My general thinking is to:
-Set the part up on CMM
-Base align and run the first(primary) part of the program.
-Some method of op stop that will allow the operator to orient the part to the secondary setup position.
-Re-align(secondary base alignment?) and finish off the program.
-Output 1 report from everything captured.

Any advice on what you have done similar to this in the past is greatly appreciated.
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In a nut shell, so to speak.
Once you've measured the 1st part of the program, put a CMM position in the last feature of the first parts strategy (if you’re running off of features) to move the probe out of the way and then in the same feature, after the CMM position, put a programmable stop in to allow the operator to move or flip the part while program is stopped. You can put a message in the programmable stop to tell the operator what to do.

Create another set of features to align the part after it's moved (preferably ones that relate to the same alignment features of the original base alignment but, it doesn’t have to be) and these features will be set to measure manually later.
Create your 2nd alignment:
Go to resources, utilities and select an additional alignment and it will be placed on the characteristics side. Go to it and Rename the alignment to something like "2nd side/section align" and then use your features you created to align the 2nd part of the program.

THEN, got to the measurement plan editor and select "Man CNC Mode" and select the 2nd side alignment features to be run on MAN mode so, the operator will take them points manually to tell the CMM where the part is.

Then each feature to be measured on the 2nd side (except the ones used for 2nd alignment) will use the new alignment you just created and be run automatically referencing the new position you created with the 2nd alignment. When you open a feature, there is a drop-down menu beside the alignment where the new 2nd alignment can be chosen. Make sure all the features on that 2nd side use that alignment but, again, not the features used for the 2nd alignment.

After the part is moved or flipped, the operator will select continue and the 2nd alignment will be measured manually and after they are measured, all the other 2nd side features will be run automatically, i.e. in CNC mode.

You will then have everything on one report, be sure to name all the back side features and characteristics accordingly for identification.
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Owen I'm following along with the method you described, thanks a lot for a clear step by step on this. This is the kind of route I had in my head but wasn't sure of the way to connect them. I'm underway in programming the 1st bulk portion of the program and will apply your info to capture the secondary. Thanks again!
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One thing I would add to Owen directions is now that you have Alignment2 defined. Go to Resources/ Preassignment for New Features.... and select Alignment2. This will now create every new feature with the Alignment2 alignment without having to go back and edit anything. This works until you close this dialog box.

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Hi all just an update since this post was created. I've generally had success with doing the 2nd alignment here, getting the program to op stop and prompt to re-orient the part and it will execute the 2nd half once manually establishing the secondary alignment to completion/report. One thing I ran into is the 2nd alignment features will work fine during the natural order of the CNC program execution but lets say I go to execute a specific feature after I stop the program(post 2nd alignment) or go back after it finishes, the features seem to be getting flipped around in space and if it weren't for my finger on the dial it wanted to send the head through the part. Any insight on what is causing this? I've gone as far as I can on this program with a similar but outdated customer sample until a current design is produced so I plan on revisiting this occurrence once I'm back on the machine for a more formal prove-out.
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  • 5 months later...

I'm trying your method above for flipping a part during a program in order to measure both sides. I ran the first part of the program and inserted the programmable stop in the last feature. I created new features to be used in the new alignment, inserted the new alignment, and used the features for the new setup. I ran the program again and it seemed to work fine. I flipped the part and manually measured the new features. Just to test I created a new feature after the new alignment. I selected the new alignment for that feature. The coordinates for that feature seem to be reversed. For example the X value should have been 4" however it is coming up as -4" so when the CMM goes to measure it is WAY off. This seems to be a fairly simple process so I must be missing something. Any ideas?
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Just a guess but, It sounds like you've inadvertently flipped the alignment. To see if it flipped, go to plan, navigation and then over and select blocked edges. If the black circles are on top of the cube, the alignment has been flipped.

What are you using for your planar alignment in the new 2nd alignment?
If using a 3d line,like between two holes or two points on a face, you have to make sure you measure the holes or points as they were recalled into the line. i.e. say if you recalled left circle, right circle, you have to measure the left circle first because if you were to measure the right circle and then the left, it would flip the alignment and everything that was supposed to be in the positive direction would now be in the negative direction.

If that's not it, then maybe you inadvertently flipped the direction the planar is supposed to go in the base alignments planar window with the drop down box that allows you to choose which direction+ or - axis?

Either way, once you have it figured out, before you run the program, you'll most likely have to go to resources,scroll down to utilities and then all the way at the bottom of that menu, select "set base alignment to zero", then run the program again with manual alignment.
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Yes it seems as though it is flipped however the block edges screen looks fine. In my secondary alignment I am using a plane for my spatial rotation to Z+ and a 2d line on a plane for my planar rotation to X+. The new trihedron (faint) that that now shows appears to be correct to how my part is actually sitting on the machine. The original trihedron (bold) is still in its original spot based on the original base alignment. The manual points taken for my new alignment show exact opposite of where they should be. The CMM thinks my part is flipped 180° in Y and X.
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I changed the rotation of my 2D line to X- and it measured that particular feature fine. I created another feature and tried to measure it and it is still tying to measure 180° off. Does the model not flip to reflect the new alignment? Thanks.
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No - the cad model does not flip and I don't think you could make it flip without creating another program.

I was just guessing on the blocked edges and thought if I typed enough mumbo-jumbo of scenarios, it would get you going.
Sounds like you're on the right track with changing the space axis of the line, although I'm not sure why you'd have to unless you are trying to make it look right on the model, which it won't.

The biggest problem with trying to help somebody on this or any type of forum, is communication assumptions.

Have you got it to run on the CMM?
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After my new alignment I created one feature (space point) and I can manipulate the alignment to make the CMM measure that point correctly. Any subsequent features that I create are not measured correctly. I can see the manual points that I take for the new alignment and they appear 180° opposite in X and Y on the CAD model. In real time I am actually flipping the part 180 and rotating it 180 also when compared to the first setup. Maybe this has something to do with it? I appreciate your help.
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I was able to use a plane for my planar rotation instead of the 2D line and everything seems to be working fine. I am now trying to copy and paste features and characteristics from another measurement program. When I paste them into the new program they seem to pick up the original base alignment. Is there a way to do this and have the pasted features recognize the secondary alignment? Thanks.
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  • 4 weeks later...

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If you can see all primary datums from both set-ups, no problem.
If you can't some "leap-frogging" may be in order.
This works well if one can select a series of 6 discreet points (cylinder-plane intersections would be fine, just things where all coordinates can be measured) accessible from both sides. On second set-up, an RPS alignment can be used, but as nominal values, use a formula (right mouse) enter the [getActual(featurename).x , ...y ...z] values, as measured in primary datum coordinate system from first set-up. Apologies for inability to provide screenshots, not using Calypso at the moment.
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