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Label deviation without sign (abolute value)


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Hi, I would like to knoiw if there is the possibility to create a label deviation with the absolute value deviation (without sign). Thank you very much.

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Hello Marco,

you can uncheck the box "With sign" when you edit the label. At step 3. double click on the keyword to edit.




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if you want to show negative values as absolute values you have to create your own label template where you work with user defined expression.

An image to get an impression what is possible: You  can see two picker, both are placed in an area where you have a negative deviation (to less material). For one picker I changed the expression with the function abs. 

But is this really helpful to see different values than the legend of your colorplot indicates? Usually not, but as you can see you are able to show different values derived from the computed one.


Hope this helps?!


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