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Is it possible to inspect two meshes without a CAD?


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Hi all,

I have two STL meshes that I wanted to inspect or compare one an other is this possible? 

Or does anybody know how I could convert one of the STL meshes as "CAD" so I can inspect it? 

Thank you in advanced! 


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Hello Nuno,

you can add the meshes in two separate parts in the project or create a trend project with one mesh per stage. This depends on what you want to do. With stages you can set one stage as the reference stage, which means every other stage is compared to the reference (similar to comparing a mesh to a CAD body). You can also use Operations -> CAD -> Actual Mesh to CAD.


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Thx Nanno, 

I will try your Method :). As Background what I am doing. 

The first STL mesh is actually a GOM Scan from a real part that was produced by injection molding process, which a partner send me. The second STL mesh is an output of an injection molding simulation. So I am trying to evaluate or inspect how good or bad the simulation is to the real part. I'am evaluating this in my bachelor thesis ;). 



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Thank you for the hint Bernd, I am on the 30 days Professional trial :). 

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So far this looks good, but it took a long time for the alignement. I could perform an inspection, which is helpful. Will check if I find how tos for the trend and the stages method.

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