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Couple quick Q's, 2019 edition


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Revisit some Questions asked before, see if anything has been updated in version 6.X
where are the default settings for Free Form scan speed & point density?
I know i can edit them in Feature Settings Editor, but when im updating 100+ programs i would prefer they just be what i want when i create them.
Ive been thru all the menus under Extras>Settings but i don't see anything that would govern FF scans or Curve.
Will Calypso ever allow us to copy & paste strategy items from one feature to another?
I have 6 clearance moves & 2 scans to add to every one of my new programs (Rev Change). i could do it all in 1 night if i could just copy from program to program, but manually adding everything is slowing me down.
Not only slowing me down but could potentially be disastrous if i get 1 thing out of place.
#2 Addendum B
In the strategy, instead of just saying
Clearance Data
Clearance Data
Clearance Data
Why doesnt it say
Clearance Data CP+Z
Clearance Data CP-X
Clearance Data SCP+Y
I mean why are you forcing me to click on it to see what's inside?


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I don't think there is a way to control the default speed and step width for a free form or curve..BUT... you can change it in in "BULK" by using Measurement Plan Editor/Strategy/Speed or Step Width in groups very handy. Also the Transfer Tool (Paint Brush) can do this.
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