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Qualification of Reference Sphere Position


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Hi all, 😃

I'm new to the forum and I was hoping I could get help with an issue.

I get the following error in the status window when attempting to qualify the reference sphere position (VAST XXT).

"23 Nominal probing point with Pos or Step not within search path"

Specifically, this occurs after I have taken the probing point in the direction of the stylus shaft as instructed. I'm unsure how and where to change to settings for the search path in this instance.

The master probe will begin to approach the sphere, and then stop just before it reaches the sphere, switching it to red on the traffic light.

I have checked to make sure that sphere parameters (radius etc.) are correct, and I have tried restarting the system. It was last qualified on Friday, and I have been unable to qualify since yesterday.

Also, the CNC probe changes on the rack are still storing/loading at the correct heights. So I don't think the probe is sitting at an offset height in the z-axis.

The only change that happened last week was qualifying a new stylus on a smaller reference sphere. I've attempted qualifying on both spheres and the same error occurs.

I am new to Calypso and CMMs in general and I was wondering if anyone has had a similar problem or has any ideas to try out. It might be a simple fix or some setting I've missed.

Thanks for taking the time. 😃
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I checked this morning and the master probe radius is 13.5006mm. Our usual reference sphere's radius is 14.999mm and the second reference sphere is 4.0005mm.

Already I can see that the radius for the master probe is way too big 🤣

I'm assuming there was a bad measurement of its radius during the last qualification. It sounds like this is causing the problem.

Is it a case of just changing the master probe radius to its nominal? Or does it require some qualification of its radius? I'm always hesitant to change anything when it comes to the master probe.

I've also checked one of my inspections and it seems to run in CNC (after manual alignment) as expected, no collisions or unexpected force errors.

Thanks for the help thus far.
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Update: I tried changing to nominal to the correct size and re-qualifying. That's everything back to working as it was.

Still, I don't know how the radius managed to get that far out. But I'll make a mental note if I see the same thing again to check the radius.

Thanks for all the help guys! 😃
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Someone must have used the Master Probe to locate the wrong Ref Sphere. In Calypso, they were locating your 30mm, but they actually touched up to the 8mm. (That should have resulted in Calypso coming up with a negative probe radius. I would think it should give a warning message of some kind, but instead it just plugs along giving you information that is obviously very wrong...)
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