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Qualification within a program...


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It's been a while since I thought about this, but I recall in basic that there was a mention of the possibility of including a qualification routine within a program.

So I'm wondering, does anyone do this, and if so, when, and what kind of routine?

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I've never done it but, I believe you can go to resources and select the "probing system qualification" macro type icon and insert it into the characteristics side but, I believe you have to run from the characteristic side to place if where you want the probe to be qualified.
I have used "Gage Correction Qualification " inside a program with a ring gauge. You have to make sure the ring gauge (or what every you're using) is set to a designed location relative to the programs base alignment coordinates. The Gage Correction Qualification goes in the features side. I used to do this with a disk probe.
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The qualification routine would need to take place after the Base Alignment was done. Seems counter intuitive to do the BA, then qualify your probes. I guess as long as you don't rely on the BA for any results and measure or re-measure datum features afterwards, it might work.
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Thanks for the responses. Sound like it's something not normally done. If I'm concerned that my styli may have "moved", and want to implement this, what routine would be the best. I don't think the size or bending will have changed, so is there a way to do a six-point re-qualification that will only override the x, y, and z values?
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Place Space points at the biginning of the program and at the end of the program and test against its own result.
You will learn on of two things.
1. Your part may have moved
2. Your stylus may have a problem
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We tried it. We had the qualification at the beginning of the program, so it performed the qualification immediately after the base alignment.

After the stylus used for the base alignment features was finished with qualification, the machine had a considerable pause, during which time I could hear the controller whirring busily, while a lot of x,y,z coordinates flew by on the display of the joystick box. My suspicion is that it was going back and re-figuring all the measured points of the features that had already been measured.

Can anyone confirm this?
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