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Because of our cyber security here, all our workstations lock after 3 minutes of inactivity.

I have 3 computers, 2 at CMM's and my offline station. I type passwords A LOT. Logging into the forum every few hours seems easy.
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Yes, Tom, I live in Germany.
I have opened the portal the whole working day and only have to log in once and I have four PC's with me!
It works the same on all PC's!
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Ask your self why you need it. If you can't come up with good reasons, spend the money on something else.
How ever, here's the three strong reasons why I need it.

Create evaluation functions that Calypso don't have by a click of a button.

Tailoring flow and function of programs so that the untrianed monkeys can't do wrong even if they tries.

To open a "two way communication pipeline" between Calypso and external software.

Maybe some of those reason can give you some help. In General, it can make your life a whole lot easier. Not that management usually cares about that.. 😱
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3 minutes!!!! wow
I don't think i could do that, i would be driven nuts.
and something tells me your passwords all have $Pec1al characters and whatnot, and probably change about every month?
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Hi all,

the auto-logout problem should be fixed now.
We have extended the time until it logs out automatically.
Thank you for the hint!

Best Regards
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