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Datum Targets with Specified Zone


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I'd like to hear how you guys measure a datum target that has a .250 diameter specified. I've always believed that this would represent the diameter of a pin used on a fixture located at the BASIC dimension. To reproduce this methodology, I suppose a strategy that scans the entire .250 diameter surface would be required. There is the ability to create this scanned path in the point's strategy window but it appears only a LSQ evaluation is possible and thus would not mimic how a solid pin might detect the surface. Would it be "close enough"? 🤣

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I would set the datums up as planes, but only measure them in the zones marked as datum targets. (If the surface geometry is weird, you might have to use offset plane, or something like that.)
If C is tertiary (I know, strange guess...), I would constrain it's orientation to the primary and secondary.
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Right, so I A is primary, B is secondary, and C is tertiary (who would've guessed it...) I would make all three planes. B should have its orientation constrained to A, and C should have its orientation constrained to A and B. Outer Tangential on each.
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