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PiWeb Reporting Plus - Subsequent Evaluation


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Hi All,

I'm unsure if any of you guys use subsequent evaluation, but I ran into an issue where if I use it, it is overwriting data.

I had 6 parts that I needed to add a characteristic to the evaluation, when I ran the 6 data sets again, it is only saving one of them - the last one ran. 2 overwrites 1, 3 overwrites 2, etc....

Has anyone ran into this, and found a work around?
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i noticed the same problem.
I talked with Zeiss Application Engineer and he said no coiche for this yet. This is the condition: Piweb needs run program complete.
I hope in the future something change or someone else has news.
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When I use Subsequent Evaluation I toggle off all report options.
All of them.
Once the Subsequent Evaluation has cycled thru and you are satisfied with your data, you can then use the "Run" option and cycle thru the program with none or all report options enabled. Make sure "Clear existing results" is toggled off.
This will recreate all the report options chosen including Measuring Points" (If used) and provide all new data.
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I believe (keyword there) I've tried that, and it still doesn't work correctly. Thankfully we have PiWeb SBS, so it works correctly there, but I thought that it was interesting that it didn't work for PiWeb Reporting Plus.
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I use SE a lot. See Ricks response.
If your program has 6 Characteristics, you ran the program and the data stored.. Then realized "Oh man I need to add more Characteristics But I don't want to re run the original 6"

What you want to do is Open up SE...Load the data of the part you already ran (Report will run) then go and create the new Characteristics which will utilize the current recorded data.

(If a characteristic has no data do to a new feature.. you have to re run that feature.)

*Once you have all new characteristics created > Start Button > UNCHECK Clear Existing Results > Start Program.*

It will repopulate all current data and a report.

Now as for the Loading of the Data while in SE... You need to Load what ID you saved it as..If the parts you mention are ID 1,2,3,4,5,6.

You will load ID 1...It will populate Report and update your Characteristic Data... You then HAVE TO RERUN THE PROGRAM.
Just do what I put a * Next to and it will record and save again.
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I've tested this even with just the clear existing results turned off. It will store it in PiWeb, but the next run will overwrite it.

I had it happen to me last week where I was having to stop a program mid-run to re-measure features.
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I agree with you. If you use Piweb Reporting Plus the next run will always overwrite it.
But you gave me a good news about PWB SBS, i think i will push my manager to buy it.
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PiWeb SBS or Enterprise is definitely a must in my opinion.

I've said it many times in the past, but I highly recommend it for anyone who is serious about data collection and presentation.
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