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Clalypso v2016 - Dual output Metric and or Inch


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Is it possible to have dual output of Metric and Inch within a single program?
I have a metric B/P that utilizes Inch Specs. The majority of the B/P is metric and must be reported in Metric.
The specs (typically threads) are in inches.
Besides screwing around with Excel, can Calypso handle this?
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Another method is to put a formula in the comment field like follows.

"Inch Equivalent = " + (getActual("Characteristic Name").actual / 25.4)

It's far from perfect, however it will at least give you the inch result as well.

We use this to report inch measurments to the shop floor when the programs need to be in mm.
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Does this work for you?
I add Min & Max to all my profile outputs and i need to use "formatL" because (as i'm told my someone smarter than me) the text box needs help with math calculations.
"Inch Equivalent = " + formatL((getActual("Characteristic Name").actual /25.4)).

I just tested it in my program, without the formatL() it reports out at like 12 place decimal, with formatL it reports out at 4 places.


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Yeah. I think that's why it's easier and better to just do a result element.

In addition, if you create a result element, the data is stored in PiWeb whereas in the comments section it isn't.

I have used the comment section before for outputs, but it's typically for things that I personally don't care if the data is stored (like the amount of offset a CNC Turn operator should apply to adjust their machine).
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