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New Icon for Result Element is Redikkalus


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So i just upgraded to 2018 (6.6) and i see that the new icon for result Element is a Person?!?!?!
Come on Calypso, WTH are you doing to me?
Its like you're actively trying to undermine the confidence i've been working on for years in this place.....

result element1.JPG

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Things i am waiting for now......
"So, does this mean its a Reference"
"Can you check again that the numbers are right"
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  • 2 months later...
Working on a guide for that.... 😃

At least creating the variables and adding them to the header it really is not that difficult just different.

Better hurry because custom printout is going away in 2020..... 😱
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Based on Franks comment I went looking for them..

Looks like result element is in the following location in 6.4 - not sure if its the same place in 6.6 since I don't have it installed.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Zeiss\CALYPSO 6.4\pictures\cfeature\ResultElement.bmp"

If you were to find the existing one and and make a new one you could probably make it whatever you want, or if you have the old version maybe you could just grab that and replace the new one.

(FYI - I am not responsible if you break something when you try)
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I like it. I think the first one with the question marks was perfect. In the spirit of the thread I added an avatar to my profile, as well as some other info. I was going to choose runout, as that's what I'd like to do here at times, but I went with something else. 🙂
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That's a funny topic because when I was new to calypso the old result element icon bugged me(not much though). I wasn't quite sure what it was. If it is a key board then why does it look like it's melting.
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