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Tracking probe data


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I use result element for Probe Deviation & Qualification Date and save a PDF of the results in the Program Folder with "Name output files for this Measurement Plan" feature.

It's a bit of work but it's the only way I was shown to have proof of calibration results.
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I'm almost afraid to ask, but what do you mean "track probe data"? I have a probe qualification program that qualifies most of our probes. Some of them have 20-30+ rotations. I've never had great luck with CAA.
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I have a Vast XT Gold head, no RDS. So I have dedicated probe systems that don't get broken down unless they get damaged. I currently track these but there is a bit of manual/operator input required.

Shawn, I think i'm going to steal your idea.
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I forgot there is an issue now with 6.6 that I've come across. I can't get the characteristics to show up on a Printout now because there are no features...

We may have to use the default printout. This is actually something I'd like someone to help me figure out as well. Anyone have any ideas how to get Result Elements to show up on a printout without having any features measured?
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