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CMM Observer


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We've recently purchased CMM Observer for 2 of our machines and had our IT person put it in the script to open at pc start or restart so that it opens before operators open Calypso. We also have the settings tab only available to Master.
The issue is that some operator(s) have found a way to close Observer or restart the pc without it opening so they can't be "observed".
Is there a foolproof way to setup CMM Observer so that it is on and stays on unless the Master closes it?
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In windows there is no way to prevent programs to be turned off, as far as I know. (Well, there is, user rights, but that will make them unable to preform their normal tasks also.)

The best way in my opinion is to auto restart upon exit. That way people get sick of it and leave it be.
Write a script in any scripting language you have access to, those are easy to hide and can be named "svhost", "netlogon" or something else that windows run natively. And they won't fiddle with those unless they know what you've done.
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