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444 Error during evaluation of CONFIG.KMG?


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I came in this morning to find that over the weekend power was lost and was informed one machine will not startup properly.

Sequence of events:

Turn everything off.

Wait 30 seconds.

Turn on Main power.

Wait for lights to stop blinking on Jog Box.

Turn on drives.
Drives turn on and immediately cut back out and will not stay on. This is not right, drives should come on with no problem without the computer even being on.

Start computer.

Start Calypso.

Calypso comes up and says turn on drives.

Turn on drives.
Now drives come on but with the following error in the status window.

444 Error during evaluation of CONFIG.KMG

Machine says it will go home. Hit the OK button to have it go home.
And now it just sits there forever without moving.

So my plan is to call Zeiss, but I figured I would ask if anyone else had ever run into this.
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IIRC, CONFIG.KMG is stored in the controller. You can ftp to the controller from a command prompt with (first make double sure you know what you're doing!!) and have a look around.
There should be a USB stick with a backup somewhere inside the controller. It should contain a valid copy of the file for comparison. But please don't ask me for file locations. A call to Zeiss never hurts...
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Yeah, when I called them they said it required a tech to come on-site, so now I guess I wait to see when they can come in.

It sounded like they thought it was likely something bad in the controller other than just a file, they said it could not be fixed (I asked about if the backup files could be used and they said no).

So now I wait I guess.
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