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Origin Changing After Reopening Program


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This is seemingly at random, but reopening certain programs reverts the origin back to where it was before the base alignment was created. The problems is that all the features are now focused around the origin, not the CAD model. So I have to delete the CAD model, create a new program with the same base alignment, then save and load that model back into the existing program. It is annoying.

I was wondering if anyone else has ever had this issue? Is there a fix? Is it just my CAD models? I have to convert .stp into .sat before opening in Calypso, if that matters.
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Does your CAD model coordinate system match your Base Alignment when you create it? Doing this before you program from the CAD can/could help reduce behavior like your seeing.

You can use CAD Transformation to match the CAD model to your desired Base Alignment.
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It’s been a while since I’ve seen this happen.
To avoid it, first thing to do is go to windows explorer and open the inspection folder, select the model and the model_eval files and delete them.
Then open up the program with Calypso and bring in the cad model, once you have the model reoriented to match the base alignment , go to cad and select cad file, select save, make sure the correct “save as type” is chosen and then rename the cad model, maybe put RO in front of the original name, just something different so you know it’s the reoriented model. Then the next time it happens, you should be able to just reload it if goes back to the original.
Another option is if you have access to the program that created the cad model, use it to change the origin to what it should be in calypso and then save it to where the model origins will be correct when it’s loaded into the calypso the 1st time.
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