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CALYPSO output at contact point


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New Year Greeting to all.

I am a new user to CALYPSO and I have the raw measured data in the form of text file for a cylindrical bore in below format
x,y,z, Nx,Ny,Nz
these measured values/coordinates are the center coordinates of the stylus -- Is there any way to get the coordinates of the contact point
directly from CALYPSO as output or I will need to write a code to convert global Cartesian coordinates in to local cylindrical and add stylus radius to get contact point coordinates

any help on my above query -- greatly appreciated

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When right clicking on the feature you want to export points on , choose the export points and then a window opens up allowing you to select contact or center points. 164_cef1579e4b7bc6ee8d22369086fd9005.jpg
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