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Active Scanning described by renishaw


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It does hint at something that has bothered me for some time, though. If some error comes from differing measuring force/pressure (is anyone actually doing contact mechanics calculations to determine the contact area?), why isn't there a good way to do a quick "pre-measurement" of a feature ahead of the actual measurement to ensure the measurement path is set for where the surface actually is? Would that not eliminate a lot of said error?
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Probably not as direct as you would want and you might know about it but, there is a way to measure circles, slots and elliptical features before measuring by using the "Meas Ref" tab found under the projection menu tab of the feature.
I haven't used it in some time, but, If I remember correctly, the probe will take like 4 to 6 points to locate the feature and then measure it with the defined strategy after locating the exact location and Height.
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Of course Renishaw is going to be biased when it comes to Active vs Passive scanning. I've seen numerous arguments from them, and in my 10+ years of Metrology experience I can safely say this - Active > Passive - no contest.

Any time them or someone else wants to gripe about uncertainty in an Active scanning head, just show them this.....

https://www.zeiss.com/metrology/product ... xenos.html

[img]https://www.zeiss.com/content/dam/metro ... -image.jpg[/img]
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Maybe I should clarify something too.... Zeiss Active scanning. I cannot speak to the other guys who have developed their own Active scanning heads.
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Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe Zeiss are only guys that have Active scanning heads.
I know this was definitely true at one time. I am unaware of any other competitors that have developed this and have machines equipped currently though.
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I know that Leitz has their own - they may not call it Active Scanning, but it handles up to 1000g and 800mm in length probe - no way a Passive Scanning head is doing that.

Mitutoyo has their own scanning heads that look like Active Scanning heads as well.
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I used to work directly with a Holroyd colleague in Europe who used a Leitz 3D scanning (their active) head to check the same exact part's I was checking with a Zeiss Gold.
Interesting that even though the part's we're checked 3 months later and were shipped 5K miles across the ocean, checking a helical rotor with a rotary table holding 10 micron tolerances, the part's checked within 2 micron of each other. Their report's looked very similar, especially curve plots.
I guess one shouldn't be surprised the plots look a lot alike because Zeiss and Leitz headquarters are just 200 miles apart in Germany.
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