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How do I NOT Show MASKED Characteristics on Printout?


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Example : I have a cube, I measure 4 Sides and et 4 Flatness Characteristics. I then Do a MAX Element Characteristic for the OA Profile ( I don't have Freeform/Curve )

How do I make the Printout only report the MAX Element and not the Flatnesses? They are masked but due to them being called upon in the MAX, They show up in the report.

Is there another area I have to check to turn these off?
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I'm away from a computer with Calypso, so I can't provide a screenshot, but I think you need to turn on multiple printouts (even if you're only using one printout...), click the button to mark characteristics for hiding, set the masked characteristics to "marked", then check the box for something like "hide marked characteristics". This should point you in the right direction. Maybe somebody else can add details, or I can tomorrow if you don't figure it out first.
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