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Changing Part Number


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I have a customer that made a change on print and instead of completely writing a new program how do I just Re-name the program. I've copied and pasted the old program and re-named it but it still comes up as the old part when running. How do I change this or is this even a possibility?

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You cannot just rename the folder. In the future, you should open the old program and do a "save as" and give it the new name.

As a precaution, you may want to rename the Base Alignment, too. Open the Base Alignment, select Change if not already selected, click OK. In the box at the top, type in new name.
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A typical industry standard is to apply revisions to drawings when there has been changes. If they've updated the print to new revision, (say Rev>B and the prior one was Rev.A) then do a save as and rename the program with a Rev.B at the end of the program name. That way if you ever got a part made to an earlier revision you would still have that program.
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you actually can rename it in the folder but you have to open several files and search for and change the names in them all. It's a real pain. Much easier to do a "save as".
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