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New Duramax probing pressure


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I'm using a new Duramax I just got. I'm not sure how to say this, but I feel like this machine is probing parts "harder" than my Contura. I'm running a program that's been run on the Contura for probably a year, so it's solid. I've checked Resources> Stylus System> Meas. Force, and that looks fine. Is there anywhere else I can adjust this? I feel like I've seen or heard mention of an "approach speed", but I'm not sure where to find it, or if it's what I need.


Caly 6.6
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The DuraMax doesn't use air bearing so the linear drives run a bit harder. It doesn't really matter because the point isn't actually recorded until after the machine settles in to the measurement. On some programs, I've actually gone into Features Setting Editor and reduced the probing dynamic to 30 or 50% on the plane features so the probe comes down a bit slower and doesn't hit so hard.
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I have a Contura and got a Duramax later and went though the same issue. I have run parts on both machines and got the same results though. It's hard to believe the way the probes in the rack are still wobbling back and forth as the machine is taking points and it looks like it would pierce your hand before registering a collision but that's just the way the beastly Duramax is. I did have an issue with a part fixture that worked fine on the Contura though.
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