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Filters/ Outliers edits


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So I just this year started learning Calypso and CMM training. And I went to a basic class, and the instructor said Zeiss highly recommends changing filters and outliers on the characteristics side and not the features side so to not eliminate all the data filtered through the feature side. Has anybody any knowledge or experience changing the filters/ outliers on the characteristics side vs the feature side and how much would it help/ hurt or no change?
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Yes, this is the best way to go (IMHO) you generally start out with a LSQ feature
and then change it to suit your particular evaluation needs, i.e. size/form/position.

Not sure about the before/after on applying outliers?
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That's good to hear, because it would be time efficient to not have to change outliers and filters on the features side. I'd like to turn on the default settings for filters/outliers. But then another obstacle I've found is that in the default settings I cannot (or don't know) how to set my "Pre-filter for Outlier Recognition" to "Undulations Per Revolution" and set it to 10 - 5000.

Also I also meant outliers when I was saying filters, sorry 😕
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IF I understand you correct this would solve your issue.

Resources>>Save/Load Defaults.

In the pop up window, check the box to turn on the filter, (highlighted below) then Click the gear icon and change your parameters. Then Save it out whatever name you want. Done
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I have the same issue. You can set the default values for prefilter Undulations per revolution and wavelength but it always goes to wavelength even if it is a circle or cylinder. It don't bother me much because I always go though the filter settings and outlier elimination to make sure they right based on the cook book and the feature size. And, if I have multiple features/characteristics that are similar I use the paint brush to apply the settings to the rest of the features/characteristics.
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