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How to save combined PDFs of data and form plots?


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The company I work for is currently using a sprawling QMS to manage basically everything here, including all of our inspection data. Historically, we've been using a custom report similar to the current StandardProtocol PiWeb template to output the numerical data, and graphics elements to output the form plots of all the line profiles we check. We aren't currently capable of exporting CMM data directly to this QMS, so we've got this wonky process involving printing and scanning a stack of custom report printouts into a PDF, and directly exporting the graphics elements to PDF from within Calypso. I'd like to be able, as a stopgap between current state and proper integration with this QMS, to at least export the data and form plots for a single measurement run as a single PDF. We're wasting a lot of paper, and I'd like to stop making so many trips to the office scanner.

I haven't been able to figure out how to do this, though. Using the PDF option under Results to File spits out separate files for data and plots. I can get these plots to display within the StandardProtocol output, but I need the plots to be bigger than this format allows. In essence, I want to be able to keep the format we already have for our data and plots, but be able to output both into one PDF instead of two. What are my options?
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Ghost script can achive that. I think you can set that up directly in Calypso. But I cant help you there, since Ive never done that my self. We have scripts taking care of every thing that comes from the cmm, merging, zipping, archiveing, copying, etc..

But look in to gs.
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did you try the "Display plots" in "Start Measurement"? Plot and Custom Printout should be in one PDF file now. But before the printout you should turn on the graphical plots (left from the printer symbol) in, for instance, Roundness.

With correct installed ZeissPDFPrinter7 the output file should show first the plots and at last the data protocol. At problems with this printer you can use the attachment of this thread:

Unfortunately, I cannot help you with PiWeb or CMM. We are purists and don't use them. 😉

If all of the above do not work, take a look at FreePDF. It has a little program in its package which lets you put two or more PDFs together. I can't remember the exact name, but it uses ghost script and is for companies free too.

Greetings, Thomas
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Unfortunately the Zeiss PDF virtual printer still seems to output the custom report and graphics element as 2 separate files. It's looking more like Ghostscript is necessary for me to get these combined without extra operator work. I hope Calypso doesn't require configuration beyond picking the PDF merge option...
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Hello Thomas,

In Calypso 2018 the Standard Protocol has hidden pages at the end. These can be unhidden to show full page plots. Prior to Calypso 2018, you can import the plots at the end of the standard protocol.

Go to the pages tab - highlight the last page.
Go to file - import pages
Browse to the Plot Protocol (Program Files (x86) - Zeiss - Calypso X.X - PiWebReportingTemplates)
Select only the Plot Page, do not select the master page.

Note: the header on the plots will now be based on the Master Page from the Standard Protocol, to change this the header should be configured in the Plot Protocol prior to importing.
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