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QS-Stat with Calypso


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my Calypso 6.0 does not export some K-Fields, specially K1103, K1302, K1900, K2205 and K2311. How can it be done that the system exports all of the defined ones in qdasconv.con? Can I do this myself or do I need ZEISS?

Thanks in advance.
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Basically you can do this yourself by editing qdasconv.con accordingly. I haven't looked up what these fields a contain, but if Calypso can provide the data, it should be possible.
The comments in qdasconv.con explain how to edit the entries: You specify the field name, length, type and where to take the data from. You can even specify fixed values if appropriate. You have to make sure you place the new entries in the correct section(s). K1900 is already there, but is commented out.
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If you are using Custom Report, be sure to add u_fields related to K_fields into a Custom Report header.
I think I saw some guide on this forum, try to search.
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I edited both qdasconv.con and userfields.txt so calypso can export our needed K-Fields. But it seems there is no difference between the single sections for the K-Fields.
Our U-Fields are working correctly, same at the K-Fields. But the fields I wrote above are not exported. I know, something in the Calypso files has to be changed but I don't know what.
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As I said, if you are using Custom Report, some u_fields are already in the header. And I assume those are exported correctly as K_fields. But those which are missing in the header, those are also missing in qdas. Go to Custom Report header editor and add those u_fields in.
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Yes, of course you need to add the source fields "somewhere" so the data shows up in the result files, because the QDAS converter just reads from the header and characteristic files. If the required data is not in there it won't get converted.
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The configured qdasconv.con shows the following line: "K1900 120 A P:u_bemerkung" (without the quotes). In u_bemerkung, defined in userfields.ini, I wrote my comment "Space. The final frontier. The are the voyages ..." - but the produced DFQ file misses the whole K1900 line.
For this, I also configured header.gra, vphead.gra and mbhead.gra so the protocols show all filled lines correctly.

It looks like my system does not want to export all numbers between K1086 to K2004. And it also does look like as it doesn't matter in which section I insert the K-Line. So I wrote them in section E, additional data.
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Please check if the field contents actually show up in the header and/or characteristic files. I'm not entirely sure where Calypso creates the qdas related files, but also check \workarea\qdas\scratch.
A nasty problem I once had were additional space characters at the end of a field definition line in qdasconv.con. So make sure this is not the case.

It's been a long time since I last modified my working qdasconv.con. I was always under the impression that Calypso doesn't care which field number you specify, as long as it's placed in the correct section. Because depending on the type of a K-field it matters a lot where it appears in the DFQ file. And I believe that's what the qdasconv sections are for.
But I may as well be wrong. We don't use many extra fields apart from the standard ones. Just a couple of additional data fields. It may be possible that certain fields need special treatment or are ignored. On the other hand, if K1900 is already in qdasconv, at least this one should work 😕
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I try to add the CMM Resolution to the DFQ file but it doesn't work. Can somebody Support?
I added the K2404-field in C and D Section "K2404 22 F W:0.0002" with no success. Any other Suggestion?

Regards, Christian
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Hello Christian,

looks like we have the same problem. Which version do you use?
BTW, what do you mean with CMM Resolution?

I found that my version 6.0 does not export K-Fields from K1100 to K2900. K2900 is the second comment field and it also does not work. It also doesn't matter in which section I write my needed K-Lines.
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Calypso 6.4.
With Resolution I mean the CMM Resolution. Otherwise I've to type the gauge resultion to DFQ file manually for further Analysis with solara.MP. If you have 30 characteristics, it's a boring Job.
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