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.0008 Surface profile


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Good Morning,
I have a customer that wants .0008 surface profile on a .0734 slot and I tried yesterday with a .5mm probe and the CMM kept saying unable to calculate not enough points. I used as many points as I could. I'm not sure how to achieve it.

Any advice?

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Open the slot feature, right click inthe cad window and select "show all points".
Data points will show in Green.
make sure you have a "good amount" of points showing.

then click on your datum features and see how many points you got on them as well.
My guess is that your default points on your plane or circle(cylinder) is too low.

show points.jpg

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If Freeform is grayed out, then you do not have this license. You can also confirm if you have the Freeform license by going to Extras > Settings > Miscellaneous and looking through your list of licenses.
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So i'm going to guess now that this is a customer supplied program, written by someone with FF surface.
Great opportunity for you to go to your bosses and demand a FF license of your own.
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