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Maximum number of data points


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I need to measure a part of a sphere with as much datapoints as possible. For that I create a txt file with the xyz coordinates of each measuring point. A first test with 300 datapoints works fine. When I import 30000 datapoints from the txt file, Calypso5.2 seems to have problems creating the data points (Create measuring points command button). Even after one hour, Calypso is still calculating the measuring points

So I wonder if there is a maximum limit for measuring points for a feature?
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Is there smoke coming out of the controller and PC? Lol.

Like Andreas stated, I don't believe that version of Calypso can handle that many points per feature.

Since it is a Sphere though, I would just break it up into individual circles with say as many points as it will handle (I would try to keep it around 10,000 - 15,000 per circle).

Maybe that will help.
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I have tried to find a post where something similar was discussed, but in that post I recall a maximum suggested point data set of approximately 20,000 (?) points due to a calculation issue in the software.
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I find it hard to beleve many points will cause a calculation isse. Then its likely to fail with 5 points as well.
However, what is likely to cause issues with many points, (long calculations) is how garbage collection is preformed.
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So what is the purpose of 30,000 points. Not more accuracy I hope (the ol' resolution argument) .

Calypso has a formula to calculate the amount of points that I use.

Take the Filter limit points per wave = 7 (Resources/ Compatibility Settings/ for this measurement plan) note on older versions it is 5
and multiple the upr filtering i.e. 500upr = 3500 points

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