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Hello Jason.

If you are working with a CAD model this can be the problem. When you work with a CAD model nominals comes from CAD. But sometimes they are different from drawing. So you have to modify them. But in Calypso when you modify them in diametrical XY and switch to only x or only y the modified nominals are gone and comes from the CAD again. Maybe this can be the problem. Please check it once. If this is not the problem can you send me step records of the program.

change in position result.zip

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I am using a CAD model. The nominal Y of the feature is zero on the model, the print, and in my program so it didn't need to be modified. The nominals all seem to be correct. I have a "cylinder A" along X axis. I have a key way cut along that cylinder. I am taking a 2d line along both sides of the key way and recalling those points into a 3d line. I am asking for position of the 3D line relative to the Cylinder A. The print is asking for width of the key way and position of the width so I should only need position in Y relative to cylinder A. By default, position is on diametrical YZ. I thought it might improve a little if I changed it to Y only but it gets worse.
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Hello Jason.

When i first read your post i was thinking it was a simple mistake ( as i post in my first post) Then today i make a test. And you were right. The problem was not about the nominals !! then i start to figure out what is the problem. The problem is when you measure a characteristic with one datum Calypso automatically makes a best fit ( i dont know why. but i will learn the logic behind it). You can look the steps.

Position problem.zip

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