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CNCBreak by closing inquireParameterList


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Is there a way to get the CNC to break or inspection to end when you press the close button (x) on windows like inquireParameterList or confirm..?

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Yes, a simple way is to check if the variable you are asking for has changed from the initial value.
And use endInspection() instead of cncBreak(), that one is so "violent".
inquireParameterList("orka","a comment")
if orka == "defalutValue"
But the confirm dialog requires a yes or no answer, the x is inactive, isn't it?
If you know how to, you can make use of the dialog class, and make a answer required to be able to proceed. But that's overkill.
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  • 3 months later...
Thanks for your reply Eric! (I didn't notice I got an snswer until now)

The problem is that 95 % of the time, the parameters will not change. I will only confirm that the variables are the same.

You are right regarding the inactive x with confirm dialog.
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