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Profile of a Cylinder


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Has anyone else struggled with profile callouts? I have asked before but I still can't seem to figure out where the results come from sometimes. We have the additional data turned on for our printouts and the results (x,y,z coordinates) are usually at least somewhat close to the results seen on the features side of things. We are using the same alignment for the feature as used on the profile characteristic. However, the result we get seems to be larger than what I would expect when looking at the size and location of the cylinder when opening the feature. Also, the additional data is not even close to what "basic" dimensions should be. I attached a picture of the printout and highlighted the x and y dimensions. Characteristics 190-193 are the correct values and the additional data does not reflect those numbers. Can anyone tell me where these numbers come from and how calypso calculates profile? Any help would be appreciated thank you!


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I doubt positional information on profile is ever likely to be very helpful, it is likely giving the X Y and Z position of the worst point it measured on the profile, so it is not entirely useless, however when looking at profile of a surface it is generally a lot more useful to look at the CAD evaluation to determine what / where the error is and what might be causing it.

As for how it is calculated, because profile is a Zone tolerance, the result is double the absolute value of the maximum deviation from nominal.
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Thank you Derek! I will look into the CAD evaluation to see if it shows anything that may explain where the deviation is originating. However, why even have basic dimensions on prints for profile callouts if their locations don't mean anything? Or, would the locations essentially be reference dimensions?
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Just did the CAD evaluation and now the numbers make sense. Never understood why the nominal numbers would vary in the additional printout but now it's very clear. Thank You!
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