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Calypso don't see collision


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Today I check program witch write my college and see one problem. List of collision after running in simulator is clean, but i see one trajectory from part. I re run this plane in very slow speed and see collision (in a picture) but calypso don't detect it again. it will be nasty collision and I fink stylus broke if it was on CMM. Have some body idea why it is not detected?


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The blue line is a tracing line to show you were you've been. Based on the picture, Calypso should have shown there was a collision.

Did you create the stylus system from "standard" styli or did you build a custom styli? If the latter, I'm wondering if Calypso is having trouble seeing it.
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It sounds like you've used this probe before. At least that was what I assumed.
Like I said I don't do simulation. Though I do understand the blue line.
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This is just a wild guess. Are the fixture pieces separate entities? Try going to CAD-Modification-Combine CAD Features. This will bring all the accessories into one entity. My thinking is that perhaps Calypso doesn't recognize other entities other than the part model.
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If I recall correctly, The detection of a collision is tracked at the ruby of the probe. So if your probe shaft is going thru but not the ruby, it wont detect it. But if a extension goes thru, it will detect that.

Been a couple of years since I used the collision detection. I remember it as a wast of time. Simply because the tricky collisions isn't detected. How ever, this might have change in newer versions, as I said. Haven't used it for years.
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I use simulation / collision detetction every now and then, but I've also come to the conclusion that it's not to be fully trusted. Expect it to follow the 80/20 rule: 80% of the collisions are detected correctly (on lowest speed setting), 20% are wrong or missed completely. False positives are often due to the simulation not working correctly. For instance, right after a probe change it likes to move right through the granite from below to the first point. Very realistic 🤣

I know that in some release they extended collision check to also include the whole(?) probe, probe head etc. I only remember that when I read of this improvement in the release notes, I was thinking: oh, so it didn't check for all this before? Well, thank you for the info... 🙄

Have you checked whether your fixture is marked as a part of the workpiece in the CAD hierarchy? Right click the entity in the hierarchy and see if workpiece is checked. This might influence collision detection (but I'm not sure).
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