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Subsequent Evaluation


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I'm trying to recall data from a prior program revision with subsequent evaluation, and it's not working. I know Calypso can be sensitive when recalling data, but I think I've followed all the "rules".
It says there is errors with references for all the characteristics. I'd REALLY like NOT spending 40 hours rerunning all these parts.

Any suggestions?

Running Caly 6.4
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If the program you are using isn't identical to the program used when the measuring points were saved, you will get incomplete results. (Characteristics will not calculate).
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You have to make sure all the features for which points were saved still exist and have not been renamed. That's because Calypso stores the points by feature name. Renamed features get not points and can't be evaluated, resulting in missing references.
To check for the required feature names, rename the *.zmp file to *.zip and look at the file list in the archive.
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