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Perpendiculariy Sphere to Cone


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Hello Tony Armas

Designers always make it easy for themselves, drawing a few strokes on a piece of paper is always easy!

Unfortunately I have no idea how to solve the problem, especially since the circle/sphere does not really exist! 🙄

An idea would be, a virtual circle on which one puts a tangent, which has the same angle as the cone, unfortunately I also never put a ghost geometry!
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Thank you guys,
I was able to figure this out and I am happy to report it actually is working quite well. 😃 😃 😃 😃 😃 😃 😃 😃 😃 😃 😃 😃
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The engineers at the mold manufacturing shop that I worked at a few years back used to put these old school plate readings all over the prints we had !!! 🙁 🙁 🙁
I was able to convince them that a diameter at a gage line was better and faster than these crazy setups. We changed quite a few things and only got more accurate and efficient !! SHOW THEM THE WAY !!! 🤣 🤣 🤣
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Hello Andreas,
Thanks for rechecking the roll dimension, please explain were is the error, I double check their dimension and did not see any errors.?
please see the attachment.
The sphere is tangent to the outside diameter and tangent to the bottom of the part (or Z 0) same thing.


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The error was located in my first pdf,and I corrected it in my second pdf.
The measurement procedure is described in the attached pdf,regarding different dimensions.
The radius of the adjacent sphere is a value of the triple offset of the coordinate system.


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