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Form tool measurment


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12 equally spaced .068 ID spheres made with a form tool. Measured (sphere) with two scanned circle paths with
a 0.5mm stylus. Majority measure in tolerance, but some don't? Same exact strategy/evaluation (MIE) but not
consistent??? Any thoughts?
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I have this same issue with form tools.
1.) There not perfect. Grinding form tools is a risk. Also they break down. At such a small dia. you will get some deflection, ( a little wobble).
2.) Try points. I've found a scattering of points 8, 10, 12 some times pulls in better results. Or add in a third scan.
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How much angle coverage is there? I once tried to measure Max Inscribed/Outer Tangential on some hip cups but the sphere was less than 180°. Zeiss said it was not possible. The sphere had to be greater than 180°. That was many years ago. Not sure if this still applies.
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I would use one of two options if this were me.

Option 1

Measure one sphere, then setup rotated alignments to the center of each sphere (either create each one or loop an alignment). I would then copy the sphere and use Keep Position as I assign the correct alignment. This way each sphere is exactly the same.

Option 2

Use self centering, of course, using the correct ball size. I would use this for position.

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if yo draw 2 circles in space, separated by a distance , You can fit a sphere and a cone through those circles. You can also fit a various elliptical shapes.
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