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Loop features for repeatably


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I need to measure multiple features several times to test my cmm program for repeatably. I would like to just loop the feature inside the program. Every run must output in a table file like normal. I do have PCM.
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Doesn't CNC > Repeat Measurement work? Or does it not print the table files? Haven't used that function in years.

Or right click in the characteristic list without anything marked and insert a loop. That should work I think.
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I've got problems here. I right clicked on a characteristic and selected loop. I looped the measurement ten times. When I look at my results, every result is completely identical. What gives? 163_37a43aacce81e9f6490e0974f6c9f8c9.png
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Yes it does seem unlikely but its not hard to check just to be sure what exactly is going on.

Without being there to see it - some questions I can think of -

Did you watch it run?

Did it actually run this number of times or just evaluate this number of times?
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I vaguely remember a passage from the help file saying that just looping is not enough, because when Calypso already has results for an element, it doesn't measure it again, only evaluates. To force it to measure again, it needs something that changes in each loop, in other words a formula that refers to the loop counter (LOOP1 usually) but leaves the resulting value untouched.
Example: 0*LOOP1+<nominal value>

I'm not sure however if I remember this correctly and if it really applies here. Better investigate yourself.
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Just tested a theoretical solution for you. You can use PATTERN 1 d linear pattern and put in no offset. Put in a real number of 5 or 10 or whatever. It will run it over and over AND give you individual results for each time... better increase the number of dec places, cause they didn't move much.
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Norbert is absolutely correct. Calypso is lazy and if existing results are there, Calypso will not run the feature. It will just repost the results. If you right click in the Characteristic list and create a Loop, you will loop the entire program, including Base Alignment. This will then give you new results each run.
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Not to brag or anything, but I've been able to drop 25 lbs in the last 3 months. Dave, you have put all my good work at risk. A cheeseburger and fries, and what the hell, let's throw in a chocolate malt, sounds like heaven on earth.
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What you guy's lost, I found....smh.
It's a change of lifestyle.
I've done the whole lose weight and get fit thing many times.Just too dang easy to backslide.
Unfortunately, in my job, keystrokes don't burn many calories.
Winter is coming and I need to figure out how to loop my coat-rack/treadmill 100,000 times!
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If you right click inside of the Characteristics menu (make sure you don't have anything selected) you can select Loop, and then you can define a Loop of how many times you want the whole program to Loop.

We do this a lot for demos, and or performing Type-1 studies.

If you do it correctly (say you want a 10 time Loop), you will see a (1,10,1) at the top of the Characteristics menu. The first number represents the starting value, the second number represents the ending value, and the third number represents the step value. The software will loop the program 10 times, starting from one, and will increment once every run.

I hope this helps. Thanks.
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