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graphics do not match the results


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Ok, so i got some parts that have a .016 inch profile that encompasses the entire front 3D surface.
Were back sorting a hand full of parts and i notice that good parts measure 0.0060, 0.0110, but as soon as the parts turn bad the numbers ramp up "bigly". like a bas part might measure 0.1950, thats about 12x out of tolerance.
i never get a bad part that measures 0.0220 or 0.0180, its either good, or its out by a mile.

Additionally the graphical report shows no bad points. i mean like not even close.
Green-teal-blue colors shows too much material removed condition, and my entire surface is in the middle teal color section, not one point shows in blue. believe me this is driving production nuts! (and me too because i'm the one getting questioned about it)

Additionally #2 is there a way calypso will point out the Min & Max points? that would be a huge help in so many programs.


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Is the profile measuerement based on a coordinate system that differs from the base alignment?
Because Calypso's result display in the CAD window always refers to the base alignment. At least it did during the time long ago when I was still trying to use that feature.
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I actually have 2 profiles for each result.
This is bilateral 1 result.
I also have a bilateral 2 results because Min & Max are huge in this shop.
I mask the 2 result and recall the min & max into a comment, that way my reports don't grow to 3x the size just for Min & Max (it makes no sense that min & max cant be added to bilateral profile results)


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Sorry Roberto, I am looking for a very informative pdf that I have about "profile " read outs, But due to our company move, I am having problems locating it ! Profile tolerances produce moving mean values depending of what you ask for. It's very confusing. Does anyone else have the PDF that I speak of???
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yeah i have that pdf saved to my desktop.
still doesnt help me answer the question of why the part checks 12x out of tol, but the graphical analysis shows a part roughly using 50% of tol.

if its a graphic for a profile i would expect it to show me the results as defined in that profile.
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I'm going to be watching this thread closely. I've been having troubles with profiles as well. On a group of card guides on a single assembly I'll check my profiles across guides and some will be in and some will be out but others will be waaaaay out. The thing is, as a double check I'll look at actuals, parallels and perpendicularity and they will all be in but the profiles are still out? They are all cut in the piece parts at the same time so they should theoretically be in or out the same?

Clarke, thanks for that pdf, it helped me to understand where they get the info from and the differences of each type. That was something I needed info about.
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Sorry Roberto, don't know what the problem could be... Did you do a reality check with a drop indicator ? did you look at the FEATURE graphics. I've had some problems with the Char, display being a bit weird, But the feature graphics usually look correct.
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Is the Datum Reference frame called out in the characteristics menu the same as the datum reference used in the feature menu(dropdown menu). We have had issues where curve and freeform entities would not have updated graphics if the were not the same. If you are using base alignment this is more than likely not the case.


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On your original picture, is it a coincidence that the .1968, if it was converted from metric to inches is .0078 (or .0039 single sided), which come close to the graphic representation. Just curious if there is a fluke where it's mixing up metric and inch values.
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Ooh geez tom, now you got me freaked out over a software glitch!
So there's a couple things going on with free form, im at 2016 service pack1 on my CMM computer but am upgraded to SP 19 on my offline seat. i told my boss to get my CM computer updated ASAP because this whole thing feels like a bug to me.
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Yes i did, and nothing is very far from nominal.
Usually when i have a part check out of tol its because a shaving got lodged under the part (robots suck at blowing fixtures off) and one side will be thinner than the other. i can cut off any arguments from the floor by showing the operators a .005 or .010 difference from side to side, but in those cases the graphics will show the deviation very well.
This just feels like its a bug, i don't know if i need a software upgrade or a can of Raid.
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The graphics have been a bit buggy (curve points way off until the part is run a second time) , I would agree.
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